We believe in providing *infinite* screentime for our kids. We need to provide safe, fun, and exploratory tech havens in age appropriate doses so our kids can grow up to be functioning adults in control of tech and not visa versa.

Let’s set a high goal for unlimited access to technology. But let’s also be clear…

We are not talking about letting the kids go gangbusters on their iPads from the start. You would never allow your kid to be alone the middle of Times Square New York, but given the opportunity, your kids would love to experience the Guggenheim, The Met, a broadway show, and a real pastrami sandwich (yum!).

Infinite Screentime talks about the best way to watch the clock on screentime. Help your kids make the right choices (there are veggie app and sugar apps!). Know which parental control systems work best for what types of families. We think getting your first smartphone should be like getting your first driver’s license. We know all screentime is not created equal, and neither is every child.

Your kid may not go infinite until he is out of your house, but the point is that teaching the right principles and guidance for tech use will serve him in the years to come, personally and professionally.

 The ISM (Infinite Screentime Movement) wants to model, mold, & teach screentime awareness starting with ourselves.

We’re going to share our war stories here as futurist parents, educators, and child advocates, as we shape a generation that will do GOOD, rather than hide in the corners with their technology. We will share our highs and lows, as well as tirades, and triumphs, as our kids outpace us in what they can imagine.

The Infinite Screentime Movement (ISM) is a network of viewpoints and analysis from coaches and our community that help us raise kids who are prepared to handle what’s coming.

Here you’ll find reviews of games, apps, and communication tools that will rate their value to children and help you to engage with them. We’ll have chats about how technology is changing the conversation around issues such as education, autism, postpartum depression, and more. We’ll share the latest research and news about STEAM education, psychological development, and inspiration around technology. We’ll cut through the crap on YouTube, and curate the best videos for your kids. We’re also planning live events and workshops that will help you manage screentime with your kids while maintaining your connection to them. You’ll learn to boost their confidence and set them up for success in the future.


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