Do you want my family’s screentime rules? My family’s screentime contract is AWESOME. Since we have put it in place, we have had ZERO arguments, NO frustration, and COMPLETE agreement around screentime. Do you want to see it?

I bet you do!

When I first wanted to figure out my family’s screentime rules, I did the same thing that you did… I searched the internet. And like all things, the internet answered my yearning parenting questions with more questions that confused and confounded me. I ended up finding a contract that was easy for me to understand and print so that I could quickly get through this parenting dilemma with ease.
Is that why you are here too?

Boy, was I naive. You are naive too!



That contract, like many other screentime contracts, included timers, promises, and checklists. After quick print and sign by my kids, I thought I had completed a solid parenting milestone. Little did I know that I had signed up to becoming the screentime police! Frustration, fighting, and constant negotiations filled my every waking hour.

And that little iPad became a crackling, hissing thing of POWER over me and my entire family.


Fast forward to today, and to the start of Infinite Screentime, I have had the honour of speaking with many parents, educators, and child advocates about how to raise screensmart kids.
What I have learned from speaking to them is a screensmart family it is a JOURNEY.
Creating screentime rules involves incredible introspection (personal and as a family) to defining the value of technology.
Other people’s contracts that are out there, when applied to your particular family, will feel like a fad diet. It will work for a few days, but it will eventually fall apart. What you haven’t gotten to the root of when co-opting someone else’s contract is the motivation of your family’s screentime.

To put it simply, your family’s screentime rules come from WHEN, WHERE, and WHY you use screens. In the intersection of these three components are the rules that will be the foundation for your family’s relationship with screens.


Get this free Cheat Sheet by signing up here

If you want to get to the bottom of your family’s motivation for all types of screens, I am so proud to announce that I have just opened enrolment for SIX PARENTS to join me in a journey to “Screentime Serenity School”.

Do you…

  • Want answers on how to balance screentime in your home?
  • Worry that your are not parenting well through his technology age?
  • Worry that you are properly safeguarding and protecting your kids from the dangers of being online?
  • Want answers on the right level of screentime appropriate for your family?
  • Feel guilty about your personal screentime?
If you answered YES, then this small investment could help you!

At the end of this course, you will get:

  1. Agreement: A completed family agreement of screentime rules tailored to the values of your family
  2. Harmony: Solidarity to a plan for your family’s screentime goals
  3. Freedom: Peace of mind knowing that you are modelling positive screentime behavior
  4. Responsibility: Clarity to each family members duties towards screentime serenity
  5. Connection: Establish an open dialogue with your kids about internet safety and screensmart use
I’ll be adding more course in all the timezones, so please email me at to let me know the timezone you are looking for!
And yes, in the meantime, if you are looking for what the Kim Family Rules are… here they are HERE!

Let me know if you like this fad diet.