It’s LIVE. My TEDx Talk is on the TEDx YouTube Channel…

For the world to see.

And I couldn’t be more proud.

Arcadia TEDx

Being on the TEDx stage, especially with TEDxTinHauWomen was a dream come true. The committee pushed me to the edge of my comfort zone, coaxing me to tell my personal story and path to this more evolved way to parent around screentime. I have never felt so challenged and cared for in such an intense journey.

With their help and all of the other fabulous speakers, I commanded that Red Dot, and it was exhilarating!

But now, the TEDx Talk is live. And I’m feeling something else entirely… I’m feeling totally exposed, raw, and, oof, WTF did I just do?

My TEDx Talk is just me alone on a stage…

I tell my stories.

Stories about my personal failures, being a parent.

And there is nothing like the failure of parenting that feels so personal.

I also talk about the goal of unlimited screentime for our kids to unlock the infinite potential of technology. I know that this goal is not popular. It’s radical, but so has the impact of technology on our life.

I’m hoping that we can start a dialogue in the press, your communities, and your family. I want us to normalize the conversation around screentime and turn it into something everyday, like talking about hygiene or health.

Arcadia TEDx

It’s time. Time to take back the battleground!

Let’s move the screentime conversation forward, on behalf of our kids.

Let’s prepare our kids for their future by recognizing screentime as a normal and important part of our everyday life.

Let’s make screentime family time.